Draft Grid Implementation Plan 2023 - 2028

Closed2 Oct, 2023, 09:00 - 11 Dec, 2023, 17:00

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Draft Grid Implementation Plan 2023 - 2028

EirGrid is the national electricity Transmission System Operator (TSO) with responsibility for the making of certain energy plans.

EirGrid has prepared a Draft Grid Implementation Plan for 2023-2028 (Draft IP).

The scope of the Draft IP aligns with the definition of an energy plan within the provisions of Article 9(1) of No. 435 of the European Communities (Environmental Assessment of Certain Plans and Programmes) Regulations 2004 (as amended); therefore, Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is required.

EirGrid undertook an SEA Scoping exercise in December 2022, and published a SEA Scoping Report to capture comments received in January 2023.

Consultation Question

We are now inviting comment on the Draft Grid IP 2023-2028, Draft SEA Environmental Report, and Draft Natura Impact Statement (and associated appendices)

We welcome comments and observations on these documents from interested stakeholders.

All documents, are available under 'Materials'.

Submissions can be made before 5pm 11th December 2023.

Please note you will be required to create an account, before making a submission, if you have not already done so.


We welcome comments and observations on these documents from interested stakeholders.