Draft Annual Electricity Transmission Performance Report 2021 and the Draft Investment Planning and Delivery Report 2021 Consultation

Dúnta8 Sam, 2022, 5:30pm - 7 Nol, 2022, 5:30pm

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EirGrid and ESB Networks, as TSO and TAO respectively, today publish for consultation the Draft Annual Electricity Transmission Performance Report 2021 and the Draft Investment Planning and Delivery Report 2021

The CRU, via the PR5 Regulatory Framework, Incentives and Reporting Decision Paper CRU/20/154, requires the TAO and the TSO to produce joint reports setting out their annual performance with regard to the operation and development of the Transmission System. These reports are intended to provide customers, industry participants and other interested parties with a clear, accessible, comprehensive, quantified but non-technical report on performance in the calendar year.

The reports continue to evolve over time, taking into account feedback from industry and stakeholders and changes requested by the CRU. As part of this process, we are seeking customers’ and stakeholders’ feedback on the draft reports in advance of their finalisation.

Consultation Question

With respect to the draft reports, are there areas within the report that you feel require more detailed information?

Next Steps

Interested stakeholders’ views are invited until 17:30 on 07 December 2022 and a response can be submitted through the EirGrid consultation portal or by emailing consultations@esbnetworks.ie

Please note that, in the TAO/TSO consultation response document, we will respond to consultation respondents’ comments and feedback within the scope of this consultation only. Comments and feedback outside the scope of this consultation will not be included in the consultation response document. Please mark your response as confidential if you do not wish for elements of your response to be shared in the TAO/TSO consultation response document.


C1. Are there areas within the Draft Annual Electricity Transmission Performance Report 2021 that you feel require more detailed information?
C2. Are there areas within the Draft Investment Planning and Delivery Report 2021 that you feel require more detailed information?
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