Draft Stakeholder Engagement Plan 2022 - Outcomes

Dúnta25 Ean, 2022, 12:00pm - 8 Már, 2022, 12:00pm

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The consultation

EirGrid has been tasked to play a central role in making the critical changes in the electricity system that are necessary to respond to climate change, in particular to achieve up to 80% of our electricity to come from renewable sources by 2030, an important step on the journey to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

This will require a level of transformation that has not been attempted since the roll-out of rural electrification. To achieve this, we need to work in partnership with all our stakeholders. For that reason, meaningful engagement is more important than ever before.

EirGrid have published for consultation our Draft Stakeholder Engagement Plan 2022 and accompanying consultation note.

The Stakeholder Engagement Plan 2022 highlights our engagement over the forthcoming calendar year. This encompasses our overarching approval to engagement , from how we identify stakeholders, to the processes currently in place to ensure they are genuinely involved in key decisions. 



Your views and suggestions

This consultation asked the following questions:

  1. Do you have any feedback on our Stakeholder Engagement Plan 2022?
  2. Would you like to see any further information covered in future EirGrid Stakeholder Engagement Plans?
  3. Do you have any view on the direction EirGrid’s Stakeholder Engagement should be going in the coming years?



Please see below consultation response paper. 



stakeholder engagement plan