A Call for Evidence on the Market Procurement Options for Long Duration Energy Storage (LDES)

Closed26 Oct, 2023, 09:00 - 1 Dec, 2023, 16:00

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EirGrid has today published A Call for Evidence on the Market Procurement Options for Long Duration Energy Storage (LDES).

This Call for Evidence details the growing system need for Long Duration Energy Storage and potential procurement methods to provide a sufficient financial incentive for its connection.

A workshop will be held in Ballymascanlon Hotel & Golf Resort, Dundalk to discuss key areas in the Call for Evidence and allow time for questions and clarifications on 10th November from 10:00 to 13:00. If you would like to attend in person or virtually, please click here to register.


EirGrid encourages feedback on the questions posed within the paper. These responses should be submitted through the EirGrid Consultation Portal no later than 16:00 on 24th November 2023.

For any consultation queries please contact: MBX_futurepowermarkets@eirgrid.com

Please note all responses will be published on the EirGrid Consultation Portal if not explicitly stated as confidential on the submitted cover page.




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Q1. Do you believe that a connection agreement needs to be a pre-requisite for a procurement exercise? What other pre-requisites should be in place?
Q2. Do you believe hybrid connections would help expedite the delivery of long duration storage or are other factors driving the critical path?
Q3. Are there any topics that we have not included above?
Q4. If a procurement exercise is run in January 2025 will there be sufficient liquidity (i.e. projects) which have connection agreements planning etc. in place?
Q5. Is the timeline from contacts to connections here realistic?
Q6. What if any are the main blockers to achieving these timelines?
Q7. We believe that SOEF v1.1 outlines a clear need for the procurement of additional long duration storage. Do you agree that there is a need for long duration storage for Ireland and Northern Ireland?
Q8. Do you agree with our definition of Long Duration Energy Storage?
Q9. Are there any services provided by LDES that we have excluded above?
Q10. What do you view as being realistic procurement targets (both volumes and durations) achievable by 2030?
Q11. Do you agree with the modelling assumptions and the modelling results that we have used for assessing the impact of storage?
Q12. Are there additional criteria that we should consider?
Q13. Do you think using the TRL as a way of assessing a project’s probability of delivery is reasonable?
Q14. Is there additional criteria that we should consider using?
Q15. What level of interest (low moderate or high interest) would you have in participating in such an Innovation Trials Sandbox?
Q16. What opportunities do you foresee with an Innovation Trials Sandbox?
Q17. What risks or challenges do you foresee with an Innovation Trials Sandbox?
Q18. How would you like an Innovation Trials Sandbox to operate?
Q19. Do you agree with the assumptions that have been used in these calculations?
Q20. The analysis has identified that there is a missing money issue with regard to new entrants looking to develop storage projects. Do you agree with this assessment?
Q21. Do you think that it would be possible for a long duration storage asset to construct a business case centred around energy market arbitrage? Can you provide support for your position
Q22. Do you have any comments on the above analysis?
Q23. Do you believe that the ‘Status Quo’ option is a viable option? Please explain your rationale.
Q24. Do you believe that the ‘Refine Current Markets’ option is a viable option? Please explain your rationale.
Q25. Do you believe that the ‘Storage Support Scheme Auction’ option is a viable option? Please explain your rationale.
Q26. Do you believe that the ‘Fixed Term System Services Contract with ‘Central Control’ option is a viable option? Please explain your rationale.
Q27. Are there realistic alternative procurement mechanisms?
Q28. Do you believe that an all-island or a jurisdictional approach is the best method? Please explain your justification?
Q29. Are the criteria we have used for assessing each option appropriate?
Q30. How would you augment the criteria used for assessing each option?
Q31. Do you agree with our assessment of each option?