The consultation
On the 16th October 2024, EirGrid published its Draft Stakeholder Engagement Plan 2025 and it became available for viewing and consultation on the EirGrid website. Stakeholders were then invited to submit their consultation responses via the EirGrid Consultation Portal. The portal was open until the 15th of November 2024, when the consultation period ended. Full details of EirGrid’s response to consultation comments received via the consultation process can be found in our Consultation Response Paper below. Consultee comments received were grouped into the following themes: Offshore and onshore, Dispatch down, Outturn Availability Forum, Connection, EirGrid’s approach to stakeholder engagement and Outages.
Your views and suggestions
The consultation asked the following questions:
1.Do you have any suggested amends or additions to EirGrid’s Draft 2025 Stakeholder Engagement Plan?
2.Are there any additional stakeholders that you think that EirGrid should be engaging with to deliver on our core remit and Government, climate and energy targets in Q2?
3.Do you have any feedback on EirGrid’s ‘measures for effective stakeholder engagement’?
4.Is there any feedback you would like to provide on EirGrid’s methods of engagement, including this consultation?
Please see EirGrid's Consultation Response Document below.