EirGrid has today published a consultation paper on the DASSA Volume Forecasting Methodology for the reserve services. EirGrid and SONI welcome responses from interested parties to the questions posed.
The consultation period is now open. Responses to the questions set out in this paper should be submitted through either the EirGrid or the SONI portal by the 15th of November 2024.
A virtual information session will be held on the 16th of October as part of the Future Power Markets Industry Workshop.
Q1. Ch 3: Do you agree with our considerations in terms of future system requirements and yearly weekly and day ahead volume forecasting and relevant publications. Are there any additional aspects you believe should be included? .
Q2. Ch 3: Do you agree with our proposal on the publication timing of the daily D-1 DASSA Volume Requirement? If you consider an alternative time should be considered please provide a rationale in your response.
Q3. Ch 5: Do you agree with our methodology as presented in this Chapter? Do you consider there are other aspects that need consideration or whether there are amendments to the methodology you would recommend?
Q4. Ch 6: Do you have any comments on the proposed considerations and options for setting the minimum requirements for implicit bundles? Please provide a detailed rational if you consider additional aspects need to be considered?
Q5. Ch 7: Do you consider there are other aspects that need to be taken into account as part of a Volume Forecasting methodology for the reserve services? Please provide detailed rationale for any recommendations you wish the TSOs to consider.
SOEF Markets – Future Arrangements for System Services – DASSA Volume Forecasting Methodology Consultation Paper
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EirGrid has today published a consultation paper on the DASSA Volume Forecasting Methodology for the reserve services. EirGrid and SONI welcome responses from interested parties to the questions posed.
The consultation period is now open. Responses to the questions set out in this paper should be submitted through either the EirGrid or the SONI portal by the 15th of November 2024.
A virtual information session will be held on the 16th of October as part of the Future Power Markets Industry Workshop.
For any questions or further information, please feel free to contact us at FASS@Eirgrid.com or FASSProgramme@soni.ltd.uk.