DS3 System Services Market Ruleset Consultation

Closed9 Dec, 2024, 15:00 - 17 Jan, 2025, 17:00

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The DS3 System Service arrangements came into being, on an interim basis in 2016, and on a fully regulated basis in 2018. In the SEM-18-032 Decision paper on “DS3 System Services Market Ruleset” the SEMC approved the TSOs’ proposals on the nature and design of the DS3 System Services rules. The Market Ruleset implemented the SEM Committee Decision, as set out in SEM-14-108 and SEM-17-080, to determine a provider’s system service payments based on the provider’s market position, and kept the provider whole where the TSO dispatches the provider away from its market position.

On 5th July, SEM Oversight Committee (SEMOC) directed the TSOs to “consult on a new iteration of the DS3 System Services Market Ruleset with the aim to fully implement the relevant SEMC Decisions and provide a recommendation on a clear definition for System Services availability”.

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Q1. Do you have data on the ruleset that contradicts the findings of the TSOs as shown in section 3.2 i.e. that the application of the current ruleset does not have material impact on the income of a system service provider?
Q2. The TSOs welcome comments from Services Providers on the suitability of using a zero market position as the method to determine the application of TSS to System Service payments. What are your views?
Q3. On the definitions of System Services availability and when the service is paid for. Are there any comments or further clarifications required?
Q4. On the transition to future arrangements.What is your view on how the current Market Ruleset should change over the remaining lifetime of the current Regulated Arrangements.