Amendment to LFCOA following ramping trials

Closed24 Jul, 2024, 16:43 - 27 Aug, 2024, 17:00

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EirGrid has today published a consultation paper on amendments to the Load Frequency Control Block Operational Agreement (LFCBOA)

As part of the measures to onboard Greenlink on the transmission system, Eirgrid and SONI, conducted ramping trials from the 5th of March 2024 to 28th May 2024.The trials were carried out according to the EU Regulation EU) 2017/1485 which establish guideline on electricity transmission system operation (SOGL). During the trials, the maximum aggregated ramping rate for all HVDC interconnectors connecting the synchronous area IE/NI to synchronous area GB was increased. Following the trials Eirgrid and SONI, have proposed amendments to the LFCBOA.

More details on the system trials and the amendments to the agreement can be found in the consultation paper which is accompanied by a REDLINE and a clean version of the LFCBOA.


Responses to the consultation, preferably structured in line with the specific questions raised in this paper, should be submitted via the EirGrid consultation portal by 5 PM 27 August 2024.


Please note your response will be publicly available for viewing on the portal. If you require your response to remain confidential, please clearly state this in your response.

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Q1. Do you have any comments on the changes to the ramping restriction for the IE/NI block?
Q2. Do you have any comments on the amendments made by the TSOs to the LFCBOA document?