About the Underground Cable
About the underground cable
The East Meath-North Dublin Grid Upgrade will use High Voltage Alternating Current (HVAC). This form of electricity transmission is used in electricity networks, internationally and in Ireland. Our studies show a 400 kV underground cable between the Woodland and Belcamp substations is the most viable option for this project. The cable will be buried about 1.3 metres below the road surface.
Figure 10: Typical HVAC underground cable duct arrangement
What does underground cable construction look like?
As this project progresses, we will do everything possible to minimise disruption during the construction phase of the project by engaging with local communities, businesses, and landowners.
We will apply to the local authority for permission to install cables. When installing, we will follow our traffic management plan to ensure the least amount of traffic disruption in the area.
The following photos show what construction may look like.
Figure 11: A typical cable duct installation in the road
Figure 12: A typical jointing bay where cables are connected
Figure 13: Cables being pulled into the ducts and jointing bay
Figure 14: A typical passing bay in operation during cable jointing
Figure 15: A typical road reinstatement